The state of emergency has been extended

Home News The state of emergency has been extended
Home News The state of emergency has been extended
The state of emergency has been extended

Today, President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev led the meeting of the State Commission on the State of Emergency with the participation of mayors of the regions and the cities of republican significance, as well as heads of state bodies and law enforcement agencies, who participated via the video communication mode.

As we know, the Presidential Decree of March 15 on the introduction of a state of emergency in the Republic of Kazakhstan expires on April 16. However, due to the fact that the peak of the incidence of coronavirus infection did not pass in our country, the Head of State instructed to extend the state of emergency and quarantine until the end of April in all regions and cities of republican significance.

Therefore, we recommend you to comply with quarantine and stay at home to support our doctors in the fight against COVID-19. The more we sit at home and prevent the spread of the disease, the faster we will leave quarantine and the state of emergency. Indeed, to remove this regimen, an incubation period of 14 days from the last identified case is required.

Take care!

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