From September 22 to 24, 2021, the long-awaited event for the manufacturing industry the International Specialized Exhibition on Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking "Kazakhstan Machinery Fair" and the "Week of the Manufacturing Industry of Kazakhstan" International Industrial Exhibition will take place at EXPO International Exhibition Center.
Leading projects in the field of industrial development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries will be presented in the IEC EXPO main exhibition hall. At the exhibition with an area of 10 thousand square meters, more than 200 companies will demonstrate the latest products in the field of mechanical engineering, mining, and metallurgical complex, chemical industry, woodworking and furniture industry, construction materials production, and water industry.
IX Forum of Mechanic Engineers of Kazakhstan will be the key event of the business part of the exhibition and become the main communication platform for finding solutions for the prominent issues of the machine-building industry. More than 30 side events will be held within the framework of the business program, including a plenary session with the participation of the members of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, panel discussions, industry conferences, and round tables with the participation of heads of companies – leading industrial players, industry associations and specialized state institutions.
The event will be arranged in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological standards, including social distancing, the use of individual protection means, and the admission of visitors through the “Ashyq” application.
Visitors can register online through event’s official website.