Category: The conference
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The WALS 2024 conference will be held from September 24 to 26, 2024, in Astana, Kazakhstan, and will mark the 18th international gathering of the World Association of Lesson Studies. The event is organized by the Centre of Excellence of the autonomous educational organization "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools". The conference theme, "Lesson Studies: Aspiring to Better Learning and Teaching", aims to gather proponents of this approach to exchange research on improving the quality of learning and teaching, as well as experience and practices in lesson studies.
The conference program includes sessions for postgraduate students and novice researchers, WALS Council meetings, as well as school visits and cultural tours following the main conference days. In addition to traditional sessions, participants can look forward to creative labs, interactive Q&A games, and the opportunity to meet well-known authors in the field of lesson studies personally.
The participation fee for the conference is $300 for early registration, $450 for the standard rate, and $250 for students.